hey!!that's me and kak ina
kakak with the brownies flour...
kakak's t-shirt..we all have the
same shirt but different colours...
by HUJAN..
oke..here's da story...we made BROWNIES...hehe...
at 12 a.m okeyh..??we finished making the brownies at 2 in the morning i guess..
hurmm...it was damn delicious!!haha...jealous??want some??
come to my house 4 a treat..maybe..haha...
we started well..haha..in the end, it was a mess!!
the kitchen is full of chocolates..yummy..huhu...
but, we had to clean it all up..haha...
it was the best BROWNIES making ever..
i had chocolates on my nose...my sister too...ha3
we were having a great time together...love ya..
cousins quality time..haha...
that's all i guess...
i don't have our brownies pictures...
forgot to take the pictures..hehe...
1 cute kiddies:
waaa.baking time!hehe...
kmslm mira ngn anis k?hehe..
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