Monday, December 29, 2008

[42] 2009 is coming!!

15 years old..

it will be the age of yuckiness.
it will be the age of blech.
it will be the worst of times.


why keep a blog? everybody ask..daa..
there are many rasons to keep a blog. here are just a few i've come up with :

1] u prefer using the phone but ur sister is constantly hogging it. (though it's a mystery who she's talking to.)
2] you prefer using the phone but u were born without a tongue.
3] you like the word blog because it sound funny.

all of these are good reasons. no one is better than another. it just so happens that in my case, reasons one & two apply. someone else might find reason three to be the most fitting..haha.. i hope u like my blog. feel free to check for new updates as often as u like...[if i want to update..hak3..]
bole x kalo skola x yah pakai uniform??!!
in love??
no lah u moron!!
oke2...keputusan dlm kls da taw..
no 4 oke ke??

Sunday, December 28, 2008

[41] keneTAGGED[5]

1) Who are you?
- anak Encik Cheku Ramlan

2) Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
- Frenz of course!!

3) How often do you think of committing suicide?
- hoho..dulu2...agaga~~

4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
- err..i think so..haha..

5) How many babies you want?
- tgk r byk mane 'buat'..hak3...

6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- mmg ade r mengong!!

7) What is your goal for this year?
- new DSLR camera!!haha..

8) Do you believe in eternity love?
- bodo..stupid..bodo..

9) What's a perfect boy/girlfriend like to you? (List 10)(perfect husband)
- cam NICK JONAS boley??
- tp kene ISLAM..
- fullstop.

10) What feeling do you love most?
-excited gyler babi..

11) What are the requirments you wish from the other half? nk pike..bole??

12) Is there anything you wanna tell the people you hate?
-ko pegi kt BETINA2 yg ko da maenkn tuh, ko melutut cium bulu kaki..haha..

13) What does flying means to you?
- g cc mlm bute cm dak putere..haha..

14) What do you crave for the most currently?
- a DSLR..can do??

15) Who's hotter? Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
- NICK JONAS bole x??

16) Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
- kak nadya cun kawan kakak..

17) What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
-makeover bilik..huhu..

18) If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
-20.09.2008...reject awl2!!

19) What are your fear(s)?
- Allah SWT..

Instruction: Tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Whoever does the tag will have blessing from all.
- ella
- feeqa
- sape2 nk amek..
- noktah.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

[40] Ape aku rase??haha..

huwm...hari nie nak cter la pulak..
huhu...aku rase cam nak makan orang la plak..
haha...tade2...aku rase hari ni cam best je...

da ler bangun awal je..haha...da lame x bangun awal cani ouh..
rase cm kat asrama la pulak..haha...
pukul 7 pagi ak da bangun da...fresh agy aww...

hurrmm...smalam ak tido lmbt gyler...mimpi ape ak tataw r...
tetbe bgn awal..haha...maybe otak ak cakap HOMEWORK x siap agy kot...
ahakz...sengal je kao otak..haha...

nie baru je siapkn HOMEWORK sket...ade agy ouh...
bertimbun cam GUNUNG EVEREST dah ak tengok..
hihihi...SEJARAH tu yang banyak nk kene wt..

sape nk tolong ak wat SEJARAH???baek ak wat sejarah hidup ak je..
wat sejarah MALAYSIA ape kes??bkn nye ak nk taw pon...haizz...
nie da thp mls yg melampau da nie....

ape lagi ek??
haa...kedudukan dlm kelas x dapat lagi ouh...
sengal tol...haha...kene amek kat skolah la plak...
cikgu MADIHA beranak pulak tber2..huhu...

nak g skolah yang malas tuh...haizz..
nak pulak kene pakai sopan2...malas ouh...
ley x nk pakai bodo2 je??
haha..boley kn2??hehe...

lagi2...bosan ah...
sape ade pape yg ley share ngan ak...
mao hilangkan bosan lorh...

that's all!!


Monday, December 15, 2008

[39] PMR victim 2009...

time is je..huhu..
ok2..PMR next year man!!omg!! again..

ini subjek yang diambil..haha..;

  • B. Melayu
  • English
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Agama Islam
  • Bahasa Arab
  • K. Hidup
  • Geografi
  • Sejarah

tu je..haha..9 subjek weyh...

struggling for 9A'

bagi semangat!!bagi semangat!!!

huhu...that's all..ciow...


Sunday, December 14, 2008

[38] crush..crush...

i have a crush on someone!!huhu...
never thought of having a crush on HIM..haha...
jelez tgk dye comment ngan org len kat myspace..

haha...pelek kan??kah3...

seyes nieyh..really...really..having a crush on him..
haizz..nape la suke sgt orang name start dari huruf F nieyh..??
pelik tol r...klaka ade gak..hehehe...sape rase name dye huruf F...

dye la kot..haha..and ade due name...ahakz..


next one is...ok2...i'm typing my blog exactly at 3.51 in da morning..
haha...stupid cookie kind of pop star..ahakz...
liking that line..haha...
i'm crazying myself right now..


Saturday, December 13, 2008

[37] Schoolworks are so BORING..

omg!! I haven't finish my SCHOOLWORK yet..
boring && boring && boring....
mls gyler thp vavi ah..haizz....DAMN it!!
pemalas tol..hahaha...ape nk jadi la...
xpe2..bak kate ENNA...kalo ckgu tanye...
nape x siap agy SCHOOLWORK tuh,
jawab je "saye budak baru, cikgu"
haha...konpem x kene tibai nye...hak3...
nk interrupt ngan gambar jap...
gamba nieyh, gyler sayunk lah!!
org2 dlm gambar nie SAYUNK gakz!!
kenangan mase practise silat..hu3...

lurve all of ya!!


miz ya gyler vavi ah..

Friday, December 12, 2008

[36] keneTAGGED[4]

diTAGGED oleh : fufuRAWR
*Sesiapa yang kena tag, kena tulis 10 sesuatu berkenaan
orang yang meng'tag' dia.
1.effa comeyll
2.dye rajin mengTAGGED... :p
3.silat same..huhu..
4.dye ade blog yg comel..
5.effa nie sweet looking lorh..
6.gaye dye cun2 je...
7.photoGENIC.. :D
8.adek beradek dye sume NIK kecuali abg dye...
9.mate dye chantek...
10.dye ini sangat FUN orgnyer...
*Orang yang kena tag kena tulis 10 perkara.
sesuatu pasal diri mereka.
1.gedik kdg2..haha...
2.PMR candidates 2009...
3.baek je..haha...poyos..
4.sayang FAMILY...
5.da ade cucu tp x kawen agy..
6.BF lame dye syg agy...
7.kehilangan sorg kawan...huuu...
8.HP itu ler nyawe...
9.suke gaye hawt2 je..hak3...
10.ade sorang je ABANG kat dunie nie...hu3...
*At the end, you need to choose
10 people to be tagged and list their names.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[35] Brownies making time...

bahan2 nye..hehe...

ini kakak and kak anis

hey!!that's me and kak ina

kakak with the brownies flour...

kakak's t-shirt..we all have the

same shirt but different colours...

by HUJAN..'s da story...we made BROWNIES...hehe...
at 12 a.m okeyh..??we finished making the brownies at 2 in the morning i guess.. was damn delicious!!haha...jealous??want some??
come to my house 4 a treat..maybe..haha...

we started the end, it was a mess!!
the kitchen is full of chocolates..yummy..huhu...
but, we had to clean it all up..haha...
it was the best BROWNIES making ever..
i had chocolates on my sister too...ha3
we were having a great time ya..
cousins quality time..haha...
that's all i guess...
i don't have our brownies pictures...
forgot to take the pictures..hehe...

[34] Nick Jonas

oh2..he's hot..really...huu...he's funny though... :D

Nicholas Jerry Jonas...September 6 1992...Born in Texas..

Type 1 da age of 13...

Dated MILEY CYRUS for 2 years..they split in late 2007... NILEY... ^_^

they LOVED each other and they were sweet couple...

here is a video that shows the FUNNY part of NICK JONAS!!



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

[33] Selamat Ary Raye AidiAdha!!

hoho...slamat ary raye Aidil Zafuan sume!!hehe..eh2...silap3...Ary Raye Zaquan Adha..haha..ok2...ary raye aidiladha..huhu...

hurm..nothing much actually...pagi as always...bgn;mandi;pegi smayang sunat raye aidiladha..hurm..yep2..da bez part is pegy tgk org sembelih LEMBU...bes ooo...last tyme tgk org sembelih-menyembelih ni, mase tuh arwah to'ki maseh ade...huuu...sowb...sowb...sedeyh ble terkenangkan beliau..hurmm...cyan gak kt lembu tu sbenarnye...darah terpancut2...eeeiiii....

ok2...da abeh da cite psl raye2 nieyh...
cter baru plak oke??
hurmm...i'm having a disease..its called OBSESSIVE JONAS DISORDER [OJD]!! the past post, i've wrote that i'm married to NICK JONAS right??
well, that's true!!huhu...stupid dreams..
ade ke patot...haizz...

but, nevermind...i'm still IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!
haha...ouh..and one more thing..he dumped MILEY CYRUS beause of me..haha..
perampas gyler an??kalo r MILEY bace nieyh..mati aku kene kerat 44..haha...

ok2...NEXT!!cte ape plak ek??hurmm...let me think....
aahhh...cte nieyh la plak..hehe...
currently in the mood of really2 sleepy...coz since 2.00 a.m. i'm writing till now; 7.00 a.m...
duhh...[yawning] waking up my little petbro...
that's my daily routine...but sumtimes, i didn't woke him up...
haha...bad sis haa??

ok2...wait2...wanna wake my sis up...she's asleep and she left me alone just now...huh...

..................[2 minutes later].....................

done!!huhu...listening to THE JONAS BROTHERS-LOVEBUG...
huu...boring...sleepy...that's all 4 today...
toodles all!!!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

[32] Monsoon Cup Terengganu!!

bace cerite nieyh...hehe...bez gyler pergi tengok monsoon cup kat terengganu...
pegy ngan mama, abah, kak anis, kak ieyna and kakak...excited gyler nk pergi.. x pernah pegy ouh...padahal kampung kat TERENGGANU..haizz...
okeyh2...pegy sane x nmpk sangat pon...coz jaoh ouh...
tengok dari dataran syahbandar je...x pegy kt tempat dye tuh...
kire oke la tuh kn??hehe...bez gak...keje snap snap gamba..nak tengok??
ini dye...

[ini on da way...]

kakak and hasil anyaman tipuan...

tshirt hitam [aku mau couple]

tshirt puteh[awak tak perasan kita sebab awak perasan awak cantik]

ntah pape ntah..haizz...

dari belakang..the photograapher : iya

p/s : ade agy byk gamba sbenarnye...cume mls nk letak je..hehe...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

[31] keneTAGGED[3]

DiTAGGED oleh : EffaRAWR

The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.

List 8 random facts about yourself and tag 8 people

1.Username ; Iya
3.Married ; NICK JONAS..haha
4. MUSIC is my thing.. :)
5. pernah admire dak PUTERE skali je... :P
6. gelak gyler LOUD
7. cari pasal ngan adek aku UMAIR;hobi aku...
8. HANDPHONE itu nyawe aku...

1. Kak Sha
2. Kamilah
3. Faqiha
4. Fathin
5. Feeqa
6. Syafiqah R
7. Syazana Zahida
8. sapenak??boleh aje...


First Name
Name you wish you had
What do people normally mistake your name as
13 Februari 1994
spital mane ek??
Time of Birth
pagi yang gelap...
Single or taken
single n lovin' it!!
Zodiac sign

-Your Appearence-

How tall are you
Wish you were taller
dark brown
Eye color you want
violetviolet.. :)
Natural Hair color
Current Hair color
Short or long hair
short n cute.. :D
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair
potong pendek kat asrama..haha..
Glasses or contacts
contacts le...
Do you wear make-up
Ever had hair extensions
Paint your nails
pernahpernah...hitam weyh...

-In the opposite gender-

What color eye
light brown... :)
What color hair
brownish black.. :)
Shy or Outgoing
Sexy or Cute
cute lorh.. :)
Serious or Fun
duedue boley??...
Older or Younger than you
2 years older please...same xpe gak.. :)
A turn on
A turn off

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolates
both please...
Pepsi or Coke
coke ahh...
Rap or Rock
rap better..huhu.. :)
Relationship or One night stand
ralationship... :)
School or Work
duedue tanak boley??haha...
Love or Money
money than love..can??
Movies or Music
music.. :)
Country or City
Sunny or Rainy days
Friends or Family
family first...than friends...

-Have you ever-

Stole something
Hurt someone close to you
Broke someone's heart
i thing so...
Had your heart broken
Wondered what was wrong with you
yupyup...cakap merapu2...
Wish you were a prince/princess
Liked someone who was taken
Shaved your head
Used chopsticks
Sang in the mirror to yourself
yupyup :P


dbsk's..huhu... :)
DKNY.. :)
black&&white&&red :P
Jonas Brothers!! <33
Junk food
snacks je kot...
atas tanah.. :p
CAT!! feline...


Ever cried over someone
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself
Do you think you're attractive
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose
Do you play any sports
olahraga&&hoki&&silat juge... :P

[30] DECEMBER hary2 men-tuekan diri...

Happy tue to you,
Happy tue to you,
Happy tue to ;

Cikgu Nik 0112
Aida syg 1912
Kak Sha cute 2212
Miera kakak 2312
Jaja bestiekuh 2512
Kak Iefa 2712

Happy tue to you!!!

yeay2!!!korunk da maken lame maken meningkat umur...nak hadiah ke?? nnty gwe post ye... gune POSLAJU gerenti cepat sampai.. huhu... cakap je nak ape.. haha...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

[29] keneTAGGED[2]

diTAGGED oleh : fufuRAWR

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
Eqbal :)

2. What were you doing at 0800?
baring && tido...zzzzz

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
chatting :)

4. What happened to you in 2006?
jadi Pelajar Cemerlang&&nakal..haha.. :-p

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Umair!!! jangan la amek phone kak Yah!!!"

6. How many beverages did you have today?
due kot...huhu...

7. What color is your hairbrush?

8.What was the last thing you paid for?

9. Where were you last night?
kt umah makcik kt KELANTAN...

10. What color is your front door?

11. Where do you keep your change?
dalam purse kale putih && itam..haha...

12. What's the weather like today?

13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
strawberry && chocolate!!

14. What excites you?
see someone i love happy!!

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
nope..baru je potong...

16. Are you over the age of 25?

17. Do you talk a lot?
yup2!! suke cakap merapu...hehe... :)

18. Do you watch the O.C.?

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?

20. Do you make up your own words?

21. Are you a jealous person?
hurm..tanye kwn2 kuh...

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
Anis Hazirah...ngeh3...

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
no sape ntah...budak sialan tu call...

25. What does the last text message you received say?
"k...g tdo...bye..nyte..."

26. Do you chew on your straw?

27. Do you have curly hair?
x aww...straight && silky...

28. Where's the next place you're going to?
naek atas joget2...

29. Who's the rudest person in your life?

30. What was the last thing you ate?
nasi le...

31. Will you get married in the future?

32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
x igt!!

33. Is there anyone you like right now?

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?

35. Are you currently depressed?

36. Did you cry today?
nnty kot...rindu AYAH!!

37. Why did you answer and post this?
suke aty le...

38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
-kak sha

Sunday, November 23, 2008

[28] Dalam Ketensionan...

huhh...hidup nie tensyen ouh...
jap2...mao wat satu dialog dituju khas kepade FARIZ ASYRAF BIN AZMAN...

"ko jangan kacau hidup ak dah!!ak da buang ko dari idup ak and ak xkn penah maafkn ko coz ko xkn penah tunaikan janji2 ko kan??!!kalo ko kacau ak lagi, memang sah ko budak giler!!!"

huhh...tu jeh...puas aty kuh...dpt gak lepas tensyen kt cni...
huu....bosan di kacau oleh budakz gyler itu...
huuuuu...sape mao tolong gwe??amek nombor nie...0142283576
ckp kt dye, ak benci dye..ha3...amek jgn x amek...


Sunday, November 16, 2008

[27] keneTAGGED [1]

diTagged oleh : effaCHOT.. :-p

1. Do you have best friends?
yes..JAJA n 6 VIIP's!!

2. Who would you choose to hangout with you?
Raja Noor Marina...:-p

3. Do your friends like to gossip with you?
hurmm...mesty lorh..hak3...setiap mase...

4. Have they told your secrets to anyone else?

5. Who likes to make you laugh?

6. Do you love them with all you heart?

7. When it's your burpday,did they wish you "happy birthday"?
kul 12 a.m da wish..haha...

Tagged to :
- Kak Cato

Monday, November 10, 2008

[26] school of FUN!!! i'm talking...huhu...[actually typing]
urm...tomorrow...err...going back to SCHOOL!!
suke ye...x suke pon ye...aduyaaiii...
suke coz leyh SNAP!!!SNAP!! pictures!!
xsuke coz kene jumpe org yg x disukai lagy....haizz....
hurrmm....nk bawak phone ke ek??bwk je lah..
hehe...last day dah wey...xde spotcheck nye..ahakz...
lggr peraturan skewl agy...arytuh da lggr da...haizz...
bgs tol..ank didikan sape r nieyhhh...

ini kwn2 saye...sape sentuh kene PENYEPAK MASUK DALAM MULUT DYE..

brani cube lar...

[25] ZERO idea!!

hurmm...Z E R O ! ! !wait2!!!
hurrmm....x masok juge ler...xde idea!!kosong!!!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

[24] talkin' about the greatest sis...

>the best sis ever...
>fun to be with...
>cool of course!!
>i said that she is CUTE!!
>sbb tu **** suke...hehe...
>rindu mase kte story2 sampai pagy tuh...
>round2 asrama [setiap aras] sbb nk abehkn cter...hehe...
>thanx coz sudi dgr my probs...
>never wanna lose you!!
>lastly, ily sis!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

[23] rahsie terBONGKAR

8 haiwan yg paling ditakuti.
~xde larh....
~sayunk sume haiwan...

9 org yg paling ditakuti.

10 org yg saya sayangi.
~6 vIIp
~c's NAZ
~kawan2 teRAPATkuh!!

12 perkara paling saya x mahu terjadi.
~hilang FAMILY
~hilang KAWAN
~hilang ABANG
~exam FAIL
~jadik JAHAT
~kene ROGOL
~kene RAGUT
~jadi BAHAN
~haiwan PUPUS
~xleyh TIDOR

13 hari2 penting dlm hidup saya.
~burfday IBU
~burfday AYAH
~burfday KAKAK
~burfday WAWA
~burfday ABANG
~burfday UMAIR
~burfday SAYE
~burfday 6 vIIp saye
~burfday C'S NAZ

14 perkara yg paling sy suka buat.
~men tenet
~bace novel
~bace komik
~gayut [kt tepon...bukan pokok]
~usha ORANG
~tengok KAWAN
~rindu kt org
~usha SLACK kt QAYYUM HAFIZIN... [hehe...jgn marah...]

[22] SPM candidates!! 2008

hurmm...mao wish GUD LUCK kat korunk sumer!!!

for ma sis!!amira or kakak, blaja aww...hehe....adekmu dicnie sentiase doakan yg terbaek buat kakak!!!
and x lupe buat kak anies!!study yerp...
lurve ya!!

12 A1 dalam tangan korunk!!
kalo x caye cube tengok...ahakz...ade tuh dlm tangan tuh...

Friday, November 7, 2008

[21] kisah kegilaan K.A.M.I

SILAT rawks!!

TYQA babe..lurve ya!!

credits to : KAK NAJHAN

specky GURLZ!!!


AQISH, forever FRENZ!!
lepas EXAM!! MERDEKA!!
AIBEEM babes!! u guyz RAWK my HEART!!
this all dedicate to you GURLZ!!!
thanx for being the GREATEST FWENZ!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

[20] Soklan-soklan...

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
~my phone le...nyawe tuh....

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
~makanan kt kantin tdi...lapar n bez ouh...

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?

4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan kamu berkekalan?
~xde hubungan pape skarang nieyh...

5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
~komik!!coz da abes exam!!!

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu?
~MILEY CYRUS...huhu...

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan mak atau ayah?
~ayah...sporting beb...ibu...bez gakz....

10. Namakan seseorang yang kamu ingin jumpa untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?
~RASULULLAH SAW...bez nye...

11. Christina atau Britney?
~SITI KHADIJAH...ahakz...

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
~kt asrama je...kt washing machine buatkn...

13. Tempat yang paling seronok kamu mahu pegi?
~g umah NICK JONAS!!!

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?seks ?
~both!!seks??euuww...not yet...

15. Jenama paling mahal yang pernah dimiliki?
~ntah le...

16. 8 yg kamu gilai
~NICK JONAS!!!gyla kam0o!!
~DBSK!!!lurve ya!!!
~update blog...
~ushar slack or HOT kt orang...
~gyler CAMERAS!!
~suke study...[daa...]
~frenz gyler korunk!!
~gyler kt MYSPACE...

17. 8 perkataan yang sering di ucapkan.
~tak senonoh!!
~jerks gylerw!!
~salah sayer ke?? [wat muke seposen]
~kerek tol....

18. 8 buah buku yang paling terbaru dibaca
~buku2 FORM 3!!

19. 8 lagu-lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali
~darkness eyes -DBSK
~mirotic -DBSK
~7 things -MILEY CYRUS
~when u look me in the eyes -JONAS BROTHERS
~burnin' up -JONAS BROTHERS
~lucky -JASON MRAZ
~i'm yours -JASON MRAZ
~HEY!don't bring me down -DBSK

20. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu.
~jangan senang2 je caye kat org...
~kawan is frenz!!
~maen2 juger...
~practise baru perfect...
~sayunk org len juer...
~family first!!

21. Mari mengetag 8 orang
~kak SHA ouh...


  • banyak idea dalam perkara
  • sukar utk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya
  • berfikiran kehadapan
  • berfikiran unik dan bijak
  • penuh dgn idea-idea baru yg luarbiasa
  • pemikiran yg tajam
  • daya firasat yg sgt halus dan tinggi
  • bagus utk jadi doktor
  • cermat dan teliti
  • personality dinamik
  • sifat yg berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia
  • banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra
  • berani, pemurah, setia dan byk kesabaran
  • terlalu degil dan keras hati
  • apabila hendak diusahakan sehingga berjaya
  • tak suka marah kecuali digugat
  • mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain
  • pandai muhasabah diri
  • cara berfikir lain dari org lain
  • otak yg sangat tajam
  • pandai mendorong diri sendiri
  • tidak hargai pujian
  • kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yg sgt tinggi dan apabila hendak sesuatu cuba sampai berjaya
  • badan yg tough
  • kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam
  • romantik
  • tidak pasti dgn hubungan kasih sayang
  • suka duduk dirumah
  • sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi
  • amanah, jujur setia dan pandai berahsia
  • tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi
  • bercita-cita tinggi
  • perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
Mereka yang menyambut burfday :

Sir Idris [4 November] cikgu

Aainaa Syairah [4 November] Member Skola

Faaiz [9 November] adek Kak Sha

Adibah Hani [14 November] Adek tersayang

Naim [17 November] Member Skola

p/s : credits to KAK SHA coz amek ni dr dyer...

Friday, October 24, 2008

[18] Oktober

  • suka sembang
  • suka org yg sayang padanya
  • suka ambil jln tengah
  • sangat menawan & sopan santun
  • kecantikan luar & dalam
  • tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura
  • mudah rasa simpati, baik, pentingkan kawan
  • sentiasa berkawan
  • hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama
  • cepat marah
  • macam pentingkan diri sendiri
  • tidak menolong org kecuali diminta
  • suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri
  • tidak suka terima pandangan org lain
  • emosi yg mudah terusik
  • suka berangan & pandai bercakap
  • emosi yg kelam kabut
  • daya firasat yg sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan)
  • suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni
  • pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut
  • romantik dlm percintaan
  • mudah terusik hati & cemburu
  • ambil berat tentang org lain
  • suka kegiatan luar
  • org yg adil
  • boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran
  • mudah patah semangat

Burfday Oktober :

Ibu [17 Okt] Mom

Fiezien [17 Okt] Member Skolah

c's Anies [19 Okt] sepupu

p/s: Epy Burfday!!!kek tade...hadiah len kali jerk...hak3...

[17] Eid Mubarak Celebration...[at skewl]

hurmm...bez sgt2!!!dpt makan...hehe...mkn je kejew...makan SATE ade...LEMANG ade...NASI HIMPIT ade...mcm2 ade...hehe...ASTRO...hak3....

Ucapan dulu sbelom dpt mkn kitorg hentam je dulu kerepek ape ntah name dye...SATU BALANG abes...haizz...kuat mkn t0wl...huhu...

Kitorg kan GYLER CAMERA!!! so...mase dah ,leyh amek mknn tuh...ape agy...CLICK!!CLICK!!huhu...photographernyer...sape agy...gwe le...hak3...prasan gyler...huhu...bez2!!!form 2 BEZ!!!

hurm....amek mknn same2...hehe...ngan sape r tuh kan...??? pikir la sendirik...hak3...

ade persembahan nasyid...dak2 amatur agy...hak3....ade satu part tuh...ape name singer dye ntah...salah sorg dari dak2 nasyid gak r...suare dye pecah!!!cm sore katak p0wn ade gakz...hak3...sume gelak gyler2....sampai ANIS tersembur air...hehe...capap sket name ANIS kt cni...hehe...klaka n wt malu gyler dak2 nasyid....

p/s: sumer kenangan nieyh...jgn men2...bdn naek coz mkn banyak sgt...hehe...sket je nek p0wn...

[16] EXAM my g0odness!!!

ouh!!! boleyh la buat....PAI [sinkof] hak3...Pendidikan Agame Islam...2 hours!!! dh sampai CRAMP punggung aku nieyh...duduk p0wn x senang dah...bapak r lame!!! exam...

SCIENCE!!!cm agak nak pecah kepale den dibuatnyer...xpe2...dah cube gyler2 dah...huhu...paper 1 ok lar...paper 2???hurrmm.....boleyh la k0t....hehehe...n0 comment...


haa...nie mmg nak jadik jht betol nieyh...kutuk ****** plak tuh...hak3...sape2 je lah...ko xyah le nak bajet2 dpn gwe...xleyh nk RESPECT r org cm 2....gaye je lebeyh...gaye cm bek je...xleyh blah ouh...dpn baek je nmpk...tapi suke sgt le TIKAM BLAKANG ORANG....blah je le minah oi...

p/s: sory terKUTUK plak dlm nieyh...sbb geram thp cipan dah nieyh...

[14] FREAKO!!!

Budak 2 was a FREAK!!!mintak2 ler xde kt sklah nie thn dpn...AMIN...haha....jahat sket...huhu...skaly skale jd jahat pe salahnyer...kn2??keh3...hurm...DUE BUDAKS nie la kan...kerek t0l...skali ngan bdk2 putre kls 2 nk ckp dak kls mane...mmg **** betol...haizz...

p/s: kutuk mengutuk amalan 'MULIA' hak3...

[13] Tyme Exam...

Blackout!!cane mao wt exam??urrgghhh....panasnyer....huhh...mao blaja skarang tapi x masok kePALO otak...hak3...DYE sangat rajin blajar ouh....terCABAR and terGUGAT aq...haizz...xleyh jadik nieyh...

Friday, October 17, 2008

[12] 0o0ohh!!! Exam!! Exam!!!

TENSION!!bler exam je mesty tension!! ouh!! hurmm...dah lame x update blog..nk tulis psl ape ek??hurm...pike2...
haa....taw2 mao tulis psl ape...nk tulis psl ape yg terjadi kt skewl n asrama selame 2 mggu ak x balek...hak3...xde ape yg mao ditulis..., ak study je kt kt skewl bising bukan maen..ak rase bdk2 kls ak pon cm nk pecah telinge dgr ak bising...hehe...sory all!!

haha..jadual exam da mane ntah ak letak..hehe...nnty cari balek...
hurmm..yg ak igt exam first day BM 1&2...second day PAI n SCIENCE 1&2....ouh!! PAI....hafal lagy...bosan nyer...

NEXT!!!haha..I MISS YOU!!!! again2... I MISS YOU!!! haha..who???sape lagi...kalo x boleyh disebut dikhalayak ramai!!ahakz...xde pape da mao tulis...bosan...bosan...idop bosan....


P/S: ak ngah study lorh...exam!!!here i come!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

[11] This Is Me [Demi Lovato]

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me (this is me)
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

p/s: lag0o ini sangat bez!!! JOE JONAS!!! ILYSDFM!!!!

[10] Who Will I Be [Demi Lovato]

How to choose
Who to be
Well lets see
There's so many choices now
Play guitar
Be a movie star
In my head a voice says

Why not
Try everything
Why stop
Reach for any dream
I can rock
Cause it's my life
And now's the time

Who will I be
It's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do

Who will I be
Yes I believe
I get to make the future what I want to be
If I can make up any one and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be
Yea yea

If I decide
I'm the girl to change the world
I can do it anytime
Opportunity right in front of me
And the choices are mine
Why not
Try everything

Why stop
Reach for any dream
I can rock
Cause it's my life
And now's the time
Who will I beIt's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see

There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be
Yes I believeI get to make the future what I want to be
If I can make up any one and know the choice is up to me

Who will I be
I want to find the who I am inside
Who will I be
I want to show the way
The way that I can shine
Yea (Who will I be)
oh yea, yea

Who will I be
It's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be (Who will I be)
Yes I believe
I get to make the future what I want to be
If I can make up any one and know the choice is up to me

Who will I be
Who will I be
Who will I be

Monday, September 29, 2008

[9] Aisyah Batrisya!!!

Ini budaks....hehe...ini lah hasil org yg tade kejer...esok raya!!hehe...!!!urm... comel kn b0odak nieyh??same r cm AUNTY dye yg sorg nieyh..huhu..!!!

dye nie sangat periang!!! bez...bez...kalo jage dye memang bez r...da r suke amek gamba...aku plak suke mengambil gambar 2...hehe...tgk care dye pose??

ade gaye model x??haha...!!agak G E D I X kan??haha...haa...yg 2 x same cm AUNTY dye nieyh...hak3...!!!

ape agy ek??hurmm...BALAK dye nieyh...adek aku!!yg umair 2...hak3...kecik2 da pandai bercintan cintun...hehe....

hurmm....lagy2...dah kot...okie dokie...

p/s: hasil xde keje seorang budak yg COMEL...hehe...